MetaBusiness Mastermind Q&A

Episode Summary: 

In this live Q&A session of the MetaBusiness Millennial podcast, Erin Patten addresses critical leadership challenges, with a particular focus on money issues and conflict resolution. She emphasizes the importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset to solve financial challenges. Erin shares insights on developing discernment as a leader by enhancing self-awareness and fostering open communication within teams. The episode also explores the role of social media in promoting authentic leadership and building brand loyalty. Lastly, Erin provides strategies for maintaining mental toughness and resilience, crucial for enduring difficult times. 


Main Topics Covered

  • Effective strategies for resolving money issues. Speak your millionaire and billionaire life into existence. 
  • Making a daily practice of talking with yourself- it’s crazy if you DON’T talk to yourself 
  • Calling out that Politics is theatrics. Don’t rely on anyone to lead you. We are all sovereign individuals. 
  • Embracing the male/female energy in the business environment. Prioritize communication if you desire more than a business relationship. 
  • What we can learn from Olympic athletes — Commitment and Discipline. We all should embody physical and nutritional discipline to become the best version of ourselves as leaders. 

Key Points

  • Money Issues: The roots of financial challenges often lie in childhood beliefs about scarcity. Shifting to an abundance mindset involves recognizing and embracing the abundance in all aspects of life. 
  • Leadership Discernment: Discernment starts with self-awareness and listening to your body's signals. Transparency and open communication foster genuine connections and discernment in teams. 
  • Social Media for Leaders: Authenticity on social media builds stronger connections and trust with followers, enhancing brand loyalty and business success. 
  • Mental Toughness: Mental resilience comes from tuning into oneself, practicing mindfulness, and maintaining a strong connection with one’s thoughts and emotions. 


Connect with Erin Patten:  



Instagram: @iamerinpatten 

Podcast IG: @themetabusinessmillennialpodcast 







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