The 40-Day Reset: Using Lent as a Framework for Professional and Spiritual Renewal
Let me take you on a journey through my transformative 40-day fasting experience that completely revolutionized my life, my spirit, and my purpose. Fasting isn't just about giving up something; it's about creating space for the abundance that's already destined for you. When we willingly release what no longer serves us, we make room for clarity, alignment, and divine blessings that far exceed our expectations.
Why I Chose a 40-Day Fast
Fasting has always been a spiritual discipline practiced by our ancestors. From biblical figures to religious traditions, fasting has been a way to seek divine guidance, cleanse the body and soul, and break through barriers that seemed insurmountable. I knew I needed a reset—a deep, spiritual, and emotional detox that would remove all the distractions, fears, and blockages standing in the way of my highest potential.
For 40 days, I let go of more than just physical nourishment. I released habits, thoughts, and relationships that were no longer aligned with my growth. It was not just about food—it was about sacrificing anything that was keeping me from stepping fully into my purpose.
Identifying What’s Blocking Your Blessings
Sometimes we have to be brutally honest with ourselves about what is holding us back. As Black women, we carry an immense load—family responsibilities, community expectations, workplace stress, and the pressure of being seen but not always valued. We often pour into others without taking the time to refill our own cups.
During my fast, I had to confront some hard truths. Maybe for you, it’s that perfectionism that keeps you from launching your dreams, the negative self-talk that tells you you’re not good enough, those situationships with men who don’t honor you, the toxic people at work who drain your energy, or the limiting beliefs about how high you can rise in this world.
What I realized is that fasting isn't just about what you stop consuming; it’s about what you intentionally release. When you let go of what weighs you down, you can rise. You make room for something greater, something divinely ordained.
The Power of 40 Days
There’s something magical, something deeply spiritual, about 40 days. In many spiritual traditions, 40 is the number of transformation and renewal. Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days before stepping into his divine mission. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years before reaching the Promised Land. Our ancestors observed sacred fasting periods to gain spiritual clarity and strength.
This is why I chose 40 days—because I knew that kind of time period would push me beyond temporary sacrifice into lasting transformation. And let me tell you, it did just that.
What God Gives Back When You Sacrifice
What happens when you give up what no longer serves you? You create space. And when you create space, you invite divine abundance.
Throughout my fast, I witnessed miracles—opportunities opening up, relationships shifting, and doors that I had been knocking on for years suddenly swinging wide open. I learned that when you sacrifice in faith, God gives back in overflow. What you release creates space for exponential blessings to flow.
I gained clarity in my purpose, peace that surpassed all understanding, newfound energy and vitality, heightened spiritual awareness, and the confidence to walk in my calling unapologetically. God promises that when we trust Him enough to release, He will replace our scarcity with abundance, our confusion with direction, and our despair with unshakable hope.
How You Can Begin Your Own Transformational Fast
If you feel like you’re stuck, like you’re on the edge of something greater but just can’t seem to break through, I encourage you to consider fasting.
It doesn’t have to be food-related—maybe it’s fasting from social media, from toxic relationships, from complaining, from fear. Whatever it is that’s keeping you from living fully in your divine purpose, let it go.
Start by setting your intention. Why are you fasting? What do you need clarity on? Choose your fast—will you fast from food, social media, negativity, or distractions? Create sacred space by spending time in prayer, meditation, and reflection. Release what doesn’t serve you and open yourself to divine guidance. Finally, journal your journey and document the revelations and breakthroughs you experience.
A Call to Spiritual Revolution
This isn’t just a fast—it’s a spiritual revolution. It’s a call to Black women everywhere to reclaim their power, their purpose, and their divine inheritance. We are not meant to merely survive under the weight of expectations. We are meant to thrive, to shine, and to lead lives filled with joy, abundance, and peace.
When you see no way forward, trust that God promises to make rivers in the desert places of your life. What seems impossible now can shift in an instant when you create space for divine intervention.
Join me on this 40-day transformation journey that honors our spiritual legacy as Black women while creating space for unprecedented growth, abundance, and purpose in your life. Together, let’s release, renew, and rise into the powerful women we were always meant to be.
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Download your "40-Day Reset Plan" worksheet:
This framework will guide you through intentionally releasing what no longer serves you, reflecting on your divine purpose, and renewing your commitment to excellence in both your professional and spiritual life. As powerful Black women navigating corporate spaces while nurturing our spirits, we deserve this intentional reset.
Let’s walk this journey together. Your transformation starts now!